This python notebook runs you through the procedure of taking videos as inputs with a single person in the video, and outputting the 1) a masked video with facial, hand, and arm kinematics ovelayen, and 2) outputs the kinematic timeseries. This tool is a simple but effective modification of the the Holistic Tracking by Google's Mediapipe so that we can use it as a CPU-based light weigth tool to mask your video data while maintaining background information, and also preserving information about body kinematics.
Current Github:
Our modification of the Mediapipe tool is using the body sillhoette to distinguish the background from the body contained in the video, then track the body, and create new video that only keeps the background, masks the body, and overlays the kinematics back onto the mask. We further modify the original code so that timeseries are produced that provide all the kinematic information per frame over time.
Make sure to install all the packages in requirements.txt. Then move your videos that you want to mask into the input folder. Then run this code, which will loop through all the videos contained in the input folder; and saves all the results in the output folders.
Please use, improve and adapt as you see fit. This tool will become citable in the near future.
Team: Babajide Owoyele, James Trujillo, Gerard de Melo, Wim Pouw (
#load in required packages
import mediapipe as mp #mediapipe
import cv2 #opencv
import math #basic operations
import numpy as np #basic operations
import pandas as pd #data wrangling
import csv #csv saving
import os #some basic functions for inspecting folder structure etc.
#list all videos in input_videofolder
from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
mypath = "./Input_Videos/" #this is your folder with (all) your video(s)
vfiles = [f for f in listdir(mypath) if isfile(join(mypath, f))] #loop through the filenames and collect them in a list
#time series output folder
outputf_mask = "./Output_MaskedVideos/"
outtputf_ts = "./Output_TimeSeries/"
#check videos to be processed
print("The following folder is set as the output folder where all the pose time series are stored")
print("\n The following folder is set as the output folder for saving the masked videos ")
print("\n The following video(s) will be processed for masking: ")
The following folder is set as the output folder where all the pose time series are stored D:\TowardsMultimodalOpenScience\Output_TimeSeries The following folder is set as the output folder for saving the masked videos D:\TowardsMultimodalOpenScience\Output_MaskedVideos The following video(s) will be processed for masking: ['1413451-11105600-11163240_1a1_1.mp4', 'sample.mp4', 'ted_kid.mp4']
#initialize modules and functions
#load in mediapipe modules
mp_holistic =
# Import drawing_utils and drawing_styles.
mp_drawing =
mp_drawing_styles =
#landmarks 33x that are used by Mediapipe (Blazepose)
facemarks = [str(x) for x in range(478)] #there are 478 points for the face mesh (see google holistic face mesh info for landmarks)
print("Note that we have the following number of pose keypoints for markers body")
print("\n Note that we have the following number of pose keypoints for markers hands")
print("\n Note that we have the following number of pose keypoints for markers face")
print(len(facemarks ))
#set up the column names and objects for the time series data (add time as the first variable)
markerxyzbody = ['time']
markerxyzhands = ['time']
markerxyzface = ['time']
for mark in markersbody:
for pos in ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'visibility']: #for markers of the body you also have a visibility reliability score
nm = pos + "_" + mark
for mark in markershands:
for pos in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']:
nm = pos + "_" + mark
for mark in facemarks:
for pos in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']:
nm = pos + "_" + mark
#check if there are numbers in a string
def num_there(s):
return any(i.isdigit() for i in s)
#take some google classification object and convert it into a string
def makegoginto_str(gogobj):
gogobj = str(gogobj).strip("[]")
gogobj = gogobj.split("\n")
return(gogobj[:-1]) #ignore last element as this has nothing
#make the stringifyd position traces into clean numerical values
def listpostions(newsamplemarks):
newsamplemarks = makegoginto_str(newsamplemarks)
tracking_p = []
for value in newsamplemarks:
if num_there(value):
stripped = value.split(':', 1)[1]
stripped = stripped.strip() #remove spaces in the string if present
tracking_p.append(stripped) #add to this list
Note that we have the following number of pose keypoints for markers body 33 Note that we have the following number of pose keypoints for markers hands 42 Note that we have the following number of pose keypoints for markers face 478
The following chunk of code loops through all the videos you have loaded into the input folder, then assess each frame for body poses, extract kinematic info, masks the body in a new frame that keeps the background, projects the kinematic info on the mask, and stores the kinematic info for that frame into the time series .csv for the hand + body + face.
#We will now loop over all the videos that are present in the video file
for vidf in vfiles:
print("We will now process video:")
print("This is video number" + str(vfiles.index(vidf))+ "of" + str(len(vfiles)) + "videos in total")
#capture the video, and check video settings
videoname = vidf
videoloc = "./Input_Videos/" + videoname
capture = cv2.VideoCapture(videoloc) #load in the videocapture
frameWidth = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) #check frame width
frameHeight = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) #check frame height
samplerate = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) #fps = frames per second
#make an 'empty' video file where we project the pose tracking on
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V') #for different video formats you could use e.g., *'XVID'
out = cv2.VideoWriter(outputf_mask+videoname, fourcc,
fps = samplerate, frameSize = (int(frameWidth), int(frameHeight)))
# Run MediaPipe frame by frame using Holistic with `enable_segmentation=True` to get pose segmentation.
time = 0
tsbody = [markerxyzbody] #these will be your time series objects, which start with collumn names initialized above
tshands = [markerxyzhands] #these will be your time series objects, which start with collumn names initialized above
tsface = [markerxyzface] #these will be your time series objects, which start with collumn names initialized above
with mp_holistic.Holistic(
static_image_mode=True, enable_segmentation=True, refine_face_landmarks=True) as holistic:
while (True):
ret, image = #read frame
if ret == True: #if there is a frame
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) #make sure the image is in RGB format
results = holistic.process(image) #apply Mediapipe holistic processing
# Draw pose segmentation
h, w, c = image.shape
original_image = np.concatenate([image, np.full((h, w, 1), 255, dtype=np.uint8)], axis=-1)
mask_img = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.uint8) #set up basic mask image
if np.all(results.segmentation_mask) != None: #check if there is a pose found
mask_img[:, :] = (255,255,255) #set up basic mask image
segm_2class = 0.2 + 0.8 * results.segmentation_mask #set up a segmentation of the results of mediapipe
segm_2class = np.repeat(segm_2class[..., np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) #set up a segmentation of the results of mediapipe
annotated_image = mask_img * segm_2class * (1 - segm_2class) #take the basic mask image and make a sillhouette mask
# append Alpha channel to sillhouetted mask so that we can overlay it to the original image
mask = np.concatenate([annotated_image, np.full((h, w, 1), 255, dtype=np.uint8)], axis=-1)
# Zero background where we want to overlay
original_image[mask==0]=0 #for the original image we are going to set everything at zero for places where the mask has to go
original_image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
#now lets draw on the original_image the left and right hand landmarks, the facemesh and the body poses
#left hand
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(original_image, results.left_hand_landmarks, mp_holistic.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
#right hand
mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(original_image, results.right_hand_landmarks, mp_holistic.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
#######################now save everything to a time series
#make a variable list with x, y, z, info where data is appended to
samplebody = listpostions(results.pose_landmarks)
samplehands = listpostions([results.left_hand_landmarks, results.right_hand_landmarks])
sampleface = listpostions(results.face_landmarks)
samplebody.insert(0, time)
samplehands.insert(0, time)
sampleface.insert(0, time)
tsbody.append(samplebody) #append to the timeseries object
tshands.append(samplehands) #append to the timeseries object
tsface.append(sampleface) #append to the timeseries object
#show the video as we process (you can comment this out, if you want to run this process in the background)
cv2.imshow("resizedimage", original_image)
out.write(original_image) #save the frame to the new masked video
time = time+(1000/samplerate)#update the time variable for the next frame
if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: #allow the use of ESCAPE to break the loop
if ret == False: #if there are no more frames, break the loop
#once done de-initialize all processes
####################################################### data to be written row-wise in csv fil
# opening the csv file in 'w+' mode
filebody = open(outtputf_ts + vidf[:-4]+'_body.csv', 'w+', newline ='')
#write it
with filebody:
write = csv.writer(filebody)
# opening the csv file in 'w+' mode
filehands = open(outtputf_ts + vidf[:-4]+'_hands.csv', 'w+', newline ='')
#write it
with filehands:
write = csv.writer(filehands)
# opening the csv file in 'w+' mode
fileface = open(outtputf_ts + vidf[:-4]+'_face.csv', 'w+', newline ='')
#write it
with fileface:
write = csv.writer(fileface)
print("Done with processing all folders; go look in your output folders!")
We will now process video: 1413451-11105600-11163240_1a1_1.mp4 This is video number0of3videos in total We will now process video: sample.mp4 This is video number1of3videos in total We will now process video: ted_kid.mp4 This is video number2of3videos in total Done with processing all folders; go look in your output folders!