from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('<iframe width="935" height="526" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>')
import exploface
import pandas as pd
from scipy import signal
openface_file = "./Timeseries_output/v07.csv"
openface_features = exploface.get_feature_time_series(openface_file)
# let's compare raw and smoothed position
plt.xlabel("time (sec)")
plt.ylabel("left eyebrow position (px)")
plt.title("Raw data")
plt.xlabel("time (sec)")
plt.ylabel("left eyebrow position (px)")
plt.title("Smoothed data")
As we see above, the smoothing helps to iron our some of the jitter that is inherent to video based tracking, without affecting the main shape of the signal.
Before we go on to any analysis, we need to get a time-series that is useful for us. In this case, we currently only have the position of the eyebrow landmarks in pixel space. This isn't always helpful, as movement of the head will also affect this position, and (at least for A/V coupling) we are mostly interested in kinematics, not position.
import math
eyebrow_L = openface_features[["timestamp","x_24","y_24"]].rename({"x_24":'X',"y_24":"Y"},axis='columns')
eyebrow_R = openface_features[["timestamp","x_19","y_19"]].rename({"x_19":'X',"y_19":"Y"},axis='columns')
nose = openface_features[["timestamp","x_33","y_33"]].rename({"x_33":'X',"y_33":"Y"},axis='columns')
def calculate_velocity(ts, nose,FPS):
We want to calculate velocity, but not of the eyebrow out of context of the face -
rather we want to get the relative movement. To do so, we calculate it as a funcion of
where the eyebrow is in relation to a fixed point, such as the nose
# first, get the relative position
# we'll use list comprehension to make a new timeseries consisting of x,y pairs
rel_ts = [ [row['X']-nose.loc[idx,'X'], row['Y']-nose.loc[idx,'Y']] for idx,row in ts.iterrows()]
IDX = 0
vel = []
for coords in rel_ts[1:]:
Prev_coords = rel_ts[IDX]
# first calculate displacement
DISPLACE = math.hypot(float(coords[0]) - float(Prev_coords[0]), float(coords[1]) - float(Prev_coords[1]))
# remove any change in head position
# then calculate velocity
vel.append(DISPLACE * FPS)
IDX += 1
vel = list(vel)
# now smooth the velocity time-series
vel_sm = signal.savgol_filter(vel, 5,3)
return vel_sm
eyebrow_L_sm = calculate_velocity(eyebrow_L, nose, 25)
eyebrow_R_sm = calculate_velocity(eyebrow_R, nose, 25)
Now that we have some time series to work with, let's get some annotations and use these to calculate the kinematic-prosodic coupling. For our prosody calculations, we'll be using a package called Parselmouth. Parselmouth provides a Python interface for PRAAT and allows us to directly calculate (and manipulae) many features of a speech signal.
First, let's load in the annotations, get the speech signal, and extract the pitch values.
# pip install pympi-ling
import pympi
import parselmouth
from parselmouth.praat import call
annot_file = pd.read_csv("./annoations/ELAN_ppn7_SaGA_speech_sentence.csv")
timestamps = eyebrow_L["timestamp"]
# first we load in the audio file
sound = parselmouth.Sound("./audio/v07.mp3")
for annot_idx,row in annot_file.iterrows():
# now we get the audio fragment corresponding to this annotation
annot_start = row["Begin Time - msec"]/1000
annot_end = row["End Time - msec"]/1000
sound_frag = sound.extract_part(from_time=annot_start,to_time=annot_end)
# we'll also get the motion tracking timestamps for this fragment
timestamps_current = timestamps[int(annot_start*25):int(annot_end*25)]
timestamps_current = timestamps_current.reset_index()
# now extract pitch values
pitch = call(sound_frag, "To Pitch", 0.01, 75, 300)
pitch_times = pitch.xs()
pitch_time_s = list(pitch_times)
pitch_time_s = [val + (annot_start) for val in pitch_time_s]
pitch_values = pitch.selected_array['frequency']
pitch_values = list(pitch_values)
# now we want to get the maximum value and its time point
max_pitch = max(pitch_values)
pitch_index = pitch_values.index(max_pitch)
# we should also get the max eyebrow movement and its index
# first we need to take a subset of the data, which corresponds to our annotation
# Since we know the data start at 0, we can convert the annotation times (currently in seconds)
# into frame numbers
annot_start_index = int(annot_start*25)
annot_end_index = int(annot_end*25)
eyebrow_L_this_annot = list(eyebrow_L_sm[annot_start_index:annot_end_index])
eyebrow_R_this_annot = list(eyebrow_R_sm[annot_start_index:annot_end_index])
# now we get the max value and index
max_brow_L = max(eyebrow_L_this_annot)
max_brow_R = max(eyebrow_R_this_annot)
max_brow_L_index = eyebrow_L_this_annot.index(max_brow_L)
max_brow_R_index = eyebrow_R_this_annot.index(max_brow_R)
# now let's update our annotation dataframe to have all of these values
annot_file.loc[annot_idx,"pitch_peak_val"] = max_pitch
annot_file.loc[annot_idx,"pitch_peak_time"] = pitch_time_s[pitch_index]
annot_file.loc[annot_idx,"brow_L_val"] = max_brow_L
annot_file.loc[annot_idx,"brow_R_val"] = max_brow_R
annot_file.loc[annot_idx,"brow_L_time"] = timestamps_current.loc[max_brow_L_index,"timestamp"]
annot_file.loc[annot_idx,"brow_R_time"] = timestamps_current.loc[max_brow_R_index,"timestamp"]
To get a correspondence between the two signals, we need to calculate the offset between them. The code below calculates the time difference between the peak eyebrow movement and the peak pitch. The hypothesis then, is that the peaks of the respective signals should align with one another in an utterance.
annot_file["pitch_browL_diff"] = annot_file["brow_L_time"] - annot_file["pitch_peak_time"]
annot_file["pitch_browR_diff"] = annot_file["brow_R_time"] - annot_file["pitch_peak_time"]
Now we can draw the distributions and see if there is any correspondence/alignment. Note that we could also save this dataframe as a new .csv file and continue analyses in R, but for now let's see what we can do in Python.
For plotting, we'll use the seaborn package.
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
sns.distplot(annot_file['pitch_browL_diff'], hist=True, kde=True,
bins=int(len(annot_file)/5), color = 'darkblue',
kde_kws={'linewidth': 4})
plt.xlabel("pitch-eyebrow offset (s)")
plt.title("Left Eyebrow (centre)")
sns.distplot(annot_file['pitch_browR_diff'], hist=True, kde=True,
bins=int(len(annot_file)/5), color = 'darkblue',
kde_kws={'linewidth': 4})
plt.xlabel("pitch-eyebrow offset (s)")
plt.title("Right Eyebrow (centre)")
print("Mean offset of left eyebrow: " + str(np.mean(annot_file["pitch_browL_diff"])) + " seconds")
print("Mean offset of right eyebrow: " + str(np.mean(annot_file["pitch_browR_diff"])) + " seconds")
We can see that for both eyebrows, the kinematic peak occurs approximately 200 ms before the pitch peak.
Bonus: Extracting audio Don't have a separate audio file? You can easily extract the audio from video using moviepy's ffmpeg. Below see an example of how this would be done, assuming you have a directory called video containing the original video file.
from import ffmpeg_extract_subclip, ffmpeg_extract_audio